SanCo Sales
Frequently Asked Questions
How does SanCo help me?
We know the pressure these issues can put on purchasers and engineers and our desire is to simply be helpful when any of these problems arise. Our agency focuses on serving our customers and creating value by finding the right manufacturing solution for your needs.
Our team provides our customers with 1 point of contact for you across many different manufacturers. When you trust SanCo with your business, you can rest assured and consider it done!
Is SanCo Sales a broker?
No- You are dealing directly with our manufacturers, SanCo is simply your advocate.
We are the face of our manufacturers in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas & Louisiana and we encourage you to deal directly with them. All PO’s are addressed to the manufacturer directly and invoices directly as well. We are not a broker or added cost to the sales process.
We also hope to be a benefit to you by being a single contact for the complimentary manufacturing processes we represent..offering the same level of service across the board.
Does SanCo offer domestic and/or import products?
The majority of the manufacturers we represent are domestic factories, however SanCo also has extensive relationships around the globe including Asia, India and the Middle East. When our customers are looking for import options, SanCo is able to offer domestic stocking in either Houston or Weatherford Texas.
Do your suppliers offer lower volume type orders for parts/products?
SanCo represents manufacturers who do prototyping, low volume work up to high volume/high precision production.
Who do I call if I have a problem?
Any member of the SanCo team is here to help in any way needed. We have decades of experience working with our principals, and within this industry, to quickly solve any issues that may arise.
About SanCo Sales
John Sandifer, CPMR, started SanCo Sales, Inc. in January 2001. This new agency was born because of the desire to return to sales. The first 22 years in the sales agency business were spent as a field salesman covering accounts in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana.
Later, there were promotions to sales manager and general manager. Products sold during this time included castings, forgings, stampings, rubber and plastic moldings and extrusions, screw machine parts, powder metal components, and aluminum extrusions, to name a few. It was during the Certified Professional Manufacturers’ Representative (CPMR) program that the desire to return to sales was recognized. One of the joys of being a manufacturers’ representative is the synergy brought to the customer from the manufacturing processes offered.”
Faith in God, family unity, and harmony are extremely important to us. In those instances where there is a conflict with business, family comes first. Friendship is the key basis for a long-term business relationship; treating people in the same way we would like to be treated is the rule.”
Our Goals
To provide you, the customer, with the best manufacturing process that meets or exceeds your expectations for component parts and assemblies, and to represent our principals’ capabilities in a way that best utilizes their abilities in a long-term, mutually profitable relationship. SanCo Sales is dedicated to bringing the customer and principal into a partnership arrangement that is beneficial, long-term, and profitable for all. We would very much like for you to be a part of this arrangement.
Our Mission
SanCo Sales, Inc. is a manufacturer’s representative agency that had its beginning in a desire to serve customers in a manner that enhanced their value. The charter for SanCo Sales is to Focus on You, the Customer, to truly understand your real needs. To Think Process, focus on the value-added problem-solving elements of the process and find cost-effective alternatives. To Assess the Unique Value-Added Capabilities brought to you by SanCo Sales and its principals and use them to the benefit you and your company.”
Contact Us
PO Box 892 Crandall, Texas 75114